Summer is right around the corner! While some of us are
eager to show off some skin by wearing miniskirts, shorts, crop tops, and
bikinis, there are others who are afraid to show certain parts of their body.
One thing we need to keep in mind is that we are all beautiful. Let’s face it, no one is perfect, and no one
has a perfect body. You might have looked at photos of celebrities and wish
that maybe you had a little more of this and a little less of that. In today’s
society, looks are everything! We’re constantly pointing out our defects, but
let’s take a moment to stop thinking about what you want to change, and find
something that you absolutely love about your body. Is it your legs, arms,
face, or maybe your stomach? What part of your body do you feel most proud of?
I used to love
showing off my legs when I was younger, but after having my baby, I got a few
stretch marks, over the years I accumulated a few scars from scratching my
mosquito bites, and suddenly I was no longer excited to show off my beautiful legs.
It wasn't until recently that I began to love my legs again. Scars and all! I
have learned to love my body the way that it is. I have no shame in my scars
because they each represent a different experience in my life. Each scar has a
story behind it. Each day we build a history in our own skin. So why not embrace
your beauty and love the skin you're in!

Whether or not you like to show some skin, there are a few tips you must keep in mind if you want to keep it classy and not look trashy. When wearing something really short or revealing, make sure to use some contrast when styling your outfit. First, select a part of your body that you want to show more of. For this outfit, I decided to show off my legs. I wore taupe shorts, which were really pretty short. Because the shorts were so short and a little tight, I chose a top that was loose and not so revealing. This lace top is semi see-through, but it still has a good amount of coverage. To dress it up I added a pearl necklace. Pearls are very ladylike, so I thought they were the perfect addition and made the outfit look nice and classy. I styled my hair with the classic lower bun with a bit of a hump and a piece of bangs on each side. A sexy pair of heels and a large bag and the look was complete! As you can see, there are ways to look sexy, without showing too much.
So how do you keep your skin looking healthy and glowing? It’s very simple. All it takes is some effort and determination. Here are my top three tips on how to keep your skin looking flawless.
- Tip #1: I love to sunbathe. The sun can be really good in providing vitamin D, but too much sun and no protection is bad for your skin. Make sure to protect your skin with sunscreen. I like to use Coppertone SPF 30 for extra protection.
- Tip #2: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables! It’s so important to have healthy eating habits. Instead of that bag of oily chips, snack on a bowl of baby carrots or strawberries.
- Tip #3: Exercise a few times a week, if possible, on a daily basis. I know we all have busy schedules and are always on the go, but start out by taking a half hour out of your day and do a few crunches or squats before hitting the shower. You’ll see and feel your body start to change and you will start your path to a healthier skin, and healthier you.
Want more tips on how to improve the appearance of your skin? I recommend checking out the article 6 Secrets to Gorgeous Skin by Shelley Levitt.
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Stay tuned...and stay beautiful inside and out.